Provider Directory

Peoria LGBT+ DoCCS

Please read this information, and the Disclaimer at the bottom of this page before using the DoCCS directory.

LGBT+ DoCCS is a community-driven resource that will utilize YOUR experiences in healthcare to help provide a comprehensive list of LGBTQ+ affirming providers in the Peoria area.

As a community member who identifies as LGBTQ+, you may fill out an anonymous survey to report a positive experience you had with a provider in the area.

These responses will then be used to assess local providers on their competencies, and create our comprehensive provider list.

Recommend a Health Provider

As a community member, you may recommend a health care or mental health provider by filling out the following form. 

Provider Feedback

Have you utilized the directory to visit a provider and want to provide feedback?  Fill out this survey to keep our directory up-to-date:

Mental Health

Primary Care

Specialty Care

Please let us know if we can feature your specialty medical practice here.

Carle Health Gender Inclusive Care Guide


Planned Parenthood of Illinois

DISCLAIMER: The listing of any professional, individual, group, club, organization, business, establishment, product or service in this directory, or on the Peoria Proud site does not constitute or imply its endorsement.  LGBT DoCCS does NOT serve to replace any formal clinical decision-making or healthcare counseling. LGBT DoCCS solely acts as a supplemental tool for community members in their search for LGBTQ+ affirming providers.  See complete information here.​

LGBT DoCCS is based on the following externally validated study: